A Monograph of J&J Studio Published


We are proud to announce the publication of the monograph entitled Forty Years of J&J Design Studio. The book covers the (first) four decades of the work of our office.

In December 2023 the work was published by Pomorski vodici, the leading boating publishing house in Croatia. It contains 320 pages, 65 drawings, 146 colour photographs, ten illustrations, six tables/diagrams and 43 hand painted portraits of the boating legends our studio worked with during the past 40 years. The material is divided in three main parts : The History, The 40 selected boat projects, and The Work.


First part walks the reader through the path of events, coincidences, and meetings with people (and companies) of two founders and later of the J&J office. In the second part 40 chosen boat projects are presented, each with its story, a profile drawing and technical data.The last chapter, The Work, talks about the areas of the office’s endeavours and developments. The book is concluded by the presentation of the people working in both design and tooling department of J&J, and by a list of office’s projects and awards.

The book was edited by Shannon Jamieson Vazquez from New York. Its graphic design was beautifully executed by Boris Balant from Ljubljana.

The Forty Years of the J&J Design Studio can be purchased from the publisher at:


A short visual presentation of the book can be seen at :


 We are inviting you to meet the story and the people that gave birth to over 70 000 boats and yachts built, and to walk through the history of boating of the last four decades.


Fairline dragrace


XO DFNDR 9 awarded with the Design of the Year, Slovenia 2023 (Zavod Big, Oblikovanje leta 2023)